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First Spaceship on Venus (1960 Sci-Fi) You are there... on man's most incredible journey!

When an alien artifact discovered on Earth is found to have come from Venus, an international team o ...View More

The Phantom Creeps 1939 (Action, Horror, Sci-Fi) Bela Lugosi, Robert Kent, Dorothy Arnold

CRASHING... SMASHING... DASHING DYNAMITE! 12 spine-shivering chapters of thunderbolt action and amaz ...View More

Monstrosity 1963 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Bodies for sale! Starring Marjorie Eaton, Frank Gerstle,

In the Name of Science, Fear Has a New Face! In a quest for eternal youth, a wealthy old woman emplo ...View More

The White Gorilla 1945 (Adventure film) Ray Corrigan, Lorraine Miller, George J. Lewis

As a jungle trading post, explorer Steve Collins relates the strange story of a man and a woman bein ...View More

Battle In Outer Space (1959 Sci-Fi) Space Wages War on Earth! Directed by Ishiro Honda

The Moon is Captured! The Earth is Next...The Biggest Battle Ever Put on Film! Aliens invade Earth w ...View More

White Gorilla (1945, American film) written & directed by Harry Fraser | with Ray Corrigan

A white gorilla is snubbed by his peers and grows lonely living in solitude. Cut off from his tribe, ...View More

The Robot vs. The Aztec Mummy (1958) See the relentless machine battle the gruesome corpse

A mad doctor (Luis Aceves Castañeda) builds a robot (Adolfo Rojas) in order to steal a valuable Azte ...View More

The Aztec Mummy Against the Humanoid Robot 1958 (Horror, Sci-Fi) Directed by Rafael Portillo

Epic Clash Between Mummy and Man-Made Monster - in a fight to the Death! The evil Dr. Krupp, also kn ...View More

The Manster (1959 Sci-Fi) Half-Man, Half-Monster!

The Manster (双頭の殺人鬼 / The Two Headed Monster) is a 1959 American science-fiction horror film. Shot i ...View More

The Two Headed Monster (1959 Horror) Directed by George P. Breakston & Kenneth G. Crane

One body, two heads – and only one can survive! A reporter in Japan is injected with a strange serum ...View More

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